[Image credit: Ambro]

Yesterday one of the nurses at my dermatology office said I looked so good … for someone my age.  I chuckled under my breath at her qualifier.  On the one hand, it’s nice being told you look good.  On the other hand, I was reminded once again that I’m fighting a losing battle against time.  But I realized something.  The old cliché — beauty is only skin deep — doesn’t stop there.  Because when age has replaced looks, we can choose to allow our inner beauty to bubble up from within.  A positive outlook and sense of humor (no, really, acne and wrinkles are totally what I expected in middle age), a frequent smile to brighten our eyes and kind words on our lips are amazing substitutes for the fountain of youth (and don’t cost us a penny).  It also doesn’t hurt to catch at least seven hours of Zzzs each night.  Now if I could just manage that one (I typically get five to six), imagine how good I’d look … for someone my age.

What are a few of the attributes that bring out your inner beauty?