An easy(ier) life

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An easy(ier) life

I have likely arrived at the ‘beating a topic to a pulp’ phase. Yet, when you find something that works, you want to spread the word—it’s about my intention this year to simplify. It’s taken me about 10 days to settle into my routine and, not only have I enjoyed several rewards of living more simply—which is a mindset, as well as a tangible practice—but the side benefit has been increasing balance (last year’s goal). Three words: ditch the multitasking. Yes I’ve written blogs on the topic (e.g., Multitasking equals write thinking); however, checking off a few extra items in the planner does not a simpler life make. But since I’ve put my Clear-Cut Chore Chart in motion, I ‘located’ extra time to do the things that re-energize me—like reading and writing more, coloring and doing puzzles—while maintaining my well-being and home, and cultivating family, friends and outside pursuits. Five words: work hard and play hard.

How’s your New Year’s intention working out?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Life as a yogi (in training)


[Image credit: lobster20]

You cannot always control what goes on outside.
But you can always control what goes on inside.
~ Mr. Yoga

Yoga reenergizes, reorganizes and revitalizes.
~ Bishnu Gosh

Bear with me while I ramble about my new addiction: Bikram (or “hot”) Yoga.  In a little over a week of attending the 90-minute sweat fest almost as many times, I’m already seeing results.  I don’t want to get overly excited but, after just two sessions, my digestive issues had lessened.  In addition, I’m becoming a little bit stronger from the inside out, and my flexibility is slowly improving (the main reason I decided to attend in the first place).  Like Mr. Yoga states, I cannot always control what goes on outside, but I can control what goes on inside.  So as I give myself the gift of Yoga, I believe I’m re-energizing my body, reorganizing my thoughts and revitalizing my spirit.  Better than a prescription any day.

If you’re a Bikram Yoga lover, what does it mean to you?